The Beginning of Greatness


For the better part of the last 10 years I worked as an engineer for a large company. Every year, as part of my performance review I received a rating: 1 (good), 2 (average) or 3 (bad). Not only did I feel like a number lost among the crowd, my worth was literally described as a number.

Employee #26,317, you are AVERAGE.

At first this came as sort of a shock. I was raised to believe I was exceptional. That I was meant to do great things. But over time I began to accept this label of average. I embodied it. I became angry with my parents for teaching me something that wasn’t true. For setting me up with unreasonable expectations. Not every one can change the world, after all.

I felt unsatisfied and spent a tremendous amount of energy reacting to my work environment. I sat in meetings reviewing ergonomic data, not because anyone really cared all that much about my metacarpals, but because someone important decided metrics were the best way to avoid a lawsuit. And I felt angry. I watched as my friends worked 50, 60 and 70+ hours/week, time spent away from their loved ones, and for what? Out of a sense of duty, a fear of failure, because we all so desperately wanted to be seen, affirmed and recognized as something other than AVERAGE. I wondered how much of that time really did make a difference, and I felt angry.

But above all I felt angry at myself for settling. I don’t mean to say that the corporate world is bad or wrong for everyone. Who knows? Maybe one day, at a different time and phase of life, it will even become right for me. But my reasons for staying were all wrong.

On some level deep down under the surface I knew I wanted to start my own business. A business with values that truly aligned with my own. Values of love and connection, where an employee was seen as a whole person, beautiful and complex, with unique abilities and potential for greatness. A business that allowed space for creativity and innovation. A business with a mission of bringing people together.

It just always felt like a pipe dream. Something I wasn’t truly capable of. Something involving too much risk. Of failure, specifically. Of loss. Not so much of the monetary sort, but rather of pride. I wasn’t capable of opening my own business. Failure would be so embarrassing. Surely, my co-workers, my friends and family would recognize this for the folly that it was. I made sure they didn’t find out. In fact, I was careful not to really tell myself explicitly.

Any energy left after anger and frustration I spent on guilt. I told myself that in order to be happy I needed to come to terms with the reality of my insignificance and be content with my situation. My job paid well and the work wasn’t especially bad. I formed real and meaningful friendships with my co-workers. I even married one and two more became bridesmaids. I was comfortable. Shouldn’t that be enough?

It only recently occurred to me that perhaps I should re-direct that energy towards believing in myself. As part of Yoga Teacher Training we were asked to commit to a 40 day meditation. So now, everyday, I bring my awareness to my third chakra, the solar plexus. Or in lay man’s terms, the gut. This is the place where we cultivate courage. I chant mantra. I meditate on my own potential for greatness.

And it’s working.

I’m beginning to understand that contentment first starts from within. We must first be content with ourselves. Part of that is believing we already possess the talent, the skill, the ability, whatever you want to call it, to affect change in our lives and in the world. We are already exceptional. I am. You are. We are already capable of greatness.

So here I am, opening my own business. This is just the beginning. I have lots of ideas about what to offer and where to go from here. I’m trusting that in time it will unfold in exactly the way it is meant to. My first step is simply creating this space. It is about fitness, but also so much more. It’s about authenticity and the love and support of community. It’s about honoring and treating our bodies and minds and hearts with the care and respect they deserve.

The fear is still very much with me as I embark on this new adventure. I humbly ask that you support and join me. In return I promise to do the same and support you as you realize your own potential for greatness.

Photo Credit: Sunset by postscapes at is licensed under CC BY 2.0 / Text added to original

10 thoughts on “The Beginning of Greatness

  1. Wow! This is fantastic. I can’t believe you kept this to yourself this whole time! Great job getting it started. I’m here as your teacher, friend, and another woman entrepreneur if you have questions. Believe in your greatness. You are already great. Love to you Laura!!


    1. Ha! I didn’t feel like I was keeping it to myself… In retrospect I guess I haven’t said much about it in teacher training. Thank you for your guidance and support! Teacher training is most definitely helping solidify that this is the right path for me, for now at least. Who knows what the future holds!


  2. Ha! My dear Maia…. I find it so interesting that she, of all people on this block, was the one teaching R about fighting. However, I will choose to believe it was self defense! ; ) I am grateful you were able to be a part of that interaction. Your blog is inspiring. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your journey.


    1. I know! I had that same thought! Maia of all people! At least she was hitting a dummy, right? And thank YOU for your friendship and encouragement! We hit the neighbor jackpot!


  3. Hi Laura, I had a reaction to your blog which I want to share. A child, my child, teaching another child, your child, “play fighting.” You, fighting in a sense to extricate yourself from the corporate world. A seemingly disparaging take on fighting as a non-life skill as compared to wiping your own butt. Here is my reaction as an observation, as another take on certain required life skills. Fighting for our right to breathe our very first breath, fighting to exist, fighting, as we grow into adulthood, to be seen and valued as more than a number within a corporate system. Fighting to allay the fears of our own short-comings so that we may step into our own greatness, fighting to preserve our integrity or fighting in defense to prevent injustice. Fighting, a life skill, a “must skill” we embrace to push the limits, to excel, to focus our energies, to defend ourselves or others. Fighting, survival of the fittest. A “life skill” arguably like wiping your tush all by yourself. Fighting, not for violence sake or as a sport but as a tool for survival, if needed, in addition to “using your words.” A skill worth teaching, a skill worth modeling, learning and embracing so that one will not end up wiping the bums of others indefinitely, literally or figuratively. In reading your blog entry, it sounds like you have learned that fight, whether it was self-taught or someone showed you the way. It’s this type of fighting we need to make sure our children know first hand. In games or in life, I want my daughter to know how to fight so that she can defend herself whether in the neighborhood games with the boys or in real life when she is pressed.

    Thank you for writing, thank you for engaging, thank you for fighting.


    1. What a profound reaction! Thank you for sharing Paul. I hope I didn’t come across as judging your daughter and her “fighting” here… You’re right. It is a life skill. How do we strike the right balance between teaching our children kindness and compassion and standing up for themselves? I know my daughter strikes back if she feels threatened and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. And that’s just talking about fighting in a physical sense. Your daughter is most definitely both kind and holds her own out on the court. A “fighter” in the most positive sense of the word. I’m glad she’s teaching my daughter and I’m glad she’s the one my daughter looks up to most.


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